Green Dot for Communities

New Beginnings

Green Dot for Communities

Engaging a critical mass of a community is essential to sustained culture change that will result in a reduction of violence. Green Dot is an evidence-based primary prevention program designed to teach our community members safe ways to intervene in situations of power-based personal violence such as dating/domestic violence, sexual harassment and assault, and child abuse. A key is providing diverse opportunities to get involved so that community members have options for engagement that feel realistic and manageable in their daily lives.

The Green Dot Strategy

Green Dot is a nationally recognized strategy focused on preventing power-based personal violence. The strategy is based on the belief that each of us holds power as bystanders to actively prevent violence and shape our community norms. Green Dot creates a community that believes violence of any kind is not okay, and we all must do our part to stop violence.

Red Dots

Violence in our community is a collection of individual choices to do harm. And each choice to do harm is a Red Dot on our community map. A red dot is a moment in time when someone's words, choices, or actions contribute to or tolerate violence in some way. 

Reactive Green Dots

Violence prevention must mirror the problem of violence. In the same way that violence is a collection of individual choices to do harm, we can stop violence in our community with our individual choices to step in and intervene. Every choice to intervene is a Green Dot.

Green Dot Spots

Watch as we add Green Dot Spots to our community. 

Green Dot High Schools

© 2021 Green Dot for New Beginnings
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