Green Dot Spots

The program includes two components: the Overview Speech and the Bystander Training.

The Overview Speech is a 45-minute high-level introductory training delivered to any member of the community.

The Bystander Training is a 3-hour intensive training with an identified organization or agency within our community. To reach optimal effectiveness, 15% of a population must complete the Bystander Training.

Contact us to train your agency or organization and become a Green Dot Spot to build a safer community. Together, we'll create the lasting culture change you want to see. Start building a healthier, harmonious workplace and society by promoting ideas that support active bystander behaviors.  

Learn more by watching our welcome video below.

Watch as we add Green Dot Spots to our Community Maps. A Green Dot Spot has trained 15% or more of its staff, employees, and/or board members in the Green Dot Strategy. 

Your team could be next to help reduce violence in our town!

Owensboro's Green Dot Spots

Meet our Green Dot High Schools.

 Here are some super high school students having a great time at a Green Dot event.

© 2021 Green Dot for New Beginnings
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